Please feel free to contact me via email with questions not answered in the catalog but please note any questions that ARE answered in there, will not get an email response.
NEXT OPENING: Summer 2025- Please see Bluesky for most current updates and active posting.
How to Order:
1 ) Please review my catalog. Estimate pricing, Terms of Service and Frequently asked Questions sections are in there along with most of the usual items that I make. If you don't see something you are looking for, go ahead and email me to ask.
2 ) Wait for me to open for a batch of projects and send me your completed order form (Its in the Catalog)
3 ) Let me go though my pile of emails to make my selections. I do not take projects on a first come first serve basis but will get back to everyone one way or another. Note: My openings are not very long- generally less than 24 hours before I close to go through emails, its fine if you set up a scheduled email to make sure yours gets in.
4 ) If selected, go through consultation with me to make sure I have all the details right about your project and we'll arrive at your final project cost
5 ) Place deposit, confirm that you'll send me your tracings or dummies or whatever else physical I will need for your project and we're done for the moment!
When all my bookings are complete Ill put together a roster of what following months will contain what projects and let everyone know which month their stuff has been slotted into.
You will receive a notification when your project is started. When complete, your remaining balance will be due once you receive finished photos and approve them.
My production span (X-month to X-month) are always announced at openings so you know the longest amount you will wait- which will never be more than six months and usually around four.
Website and contents copyright Briana Barber 2022
Thanks for your interest in my work! I pride myself in prompt service and relatively short turnaround times so I keep my roster of on-deck projects very low. Wait times are capped at around 6 months maximum and usually less than that. Rush projects may be discussed but are generally not accepted. Next thing you want to check out is my catalog via the link below.